The library has an ever-growing collection of e-books from Capstone in our Destiny Discover catalog. Each Capstone e-book includes the option to listen a professionally-recorded audio version of the book while reading - perfect for students who enjoy listening to stories!
Our Capstone e-book/audiobook collection is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the titles are never overdue or unavailable. The e-book/audiobook collection is also a great option for times when students don't have their physical library books with them (weekends, school holidays, and roadtrips).
To access our Capstone e-book/audiobook collection, view the video tutorial (Click Here for Video) or follow the steps below:
The library is pleased to offer students free e-books through the Sora app. Access Sora by clicking on the icon below, downloading the app on a personal device, or clicking on the icon located in your ClassLink Dashboard on any school-issued iPad or Chromebook.
Sora e-books are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year. Once a book is selected through the app, the reader has access to it for two weeks before it is automatically returned. This means there are no due dates to remember. Sora e-books are great option for when students do not have access to their physical library books (weekends, school holidays, and roadtrips).
To access the Sora collection, click on the icon below. You may also view the video tutorial (Click Here for Video) for step-by-step instructions.
Click the icon above to access our Sora collection. Students will log-in using their username and password.
(A student's username is their firstname.lastname and their password is their lunch number.)